America’s Leading Stress Expert
Dr. Pete is a chiropractor by day and an anointed evangelist by day AND night! He is a family man based out of Knoxville, TN. More than that, he is simply a son of the Most High God!
In 2006 he started Matthew 10 International as a way to have an offering to the Lord from his businesses. Matthew 10 is dedicated to proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ, serving widows and orphans, ministering to the sick, and empowering pastors and leaders. Since its beginning, Dr. Pete has been around the world 25 times and preached to crowds of all sizes, from a few hundred slave laborers in brick factories in the Middle East to over a million souls in Nigeria, and all sizes in between!
He is also the author of The Joseph Blessing with Jordan Rubin and has a clinic, Redeem Health & Chiropractic which supports the ministry of Matthew 10. It is in this setting that Dr. Pete is known as America’s Leading Stress Expert. At Redeem Health stage-four cancers, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other ailments — all miraculously healed by the power of Jesus Christ. Dr. Pete has over 20 years of experience serving all ages – from infancy to 100. The Redeem Health experience has been carefully designed to help “break the cycle” of chronic and traumatic stress for individuals and families in three ways: physically, chemically, and emotionally. People from all over the country and globe visit this practice routinely to seek health and healing.
Dr. Pete also has a profound heritage through his great grandparents who were Baptist missionaries and translated the Bible to headhunters in Nagaland, India from 1912 – 1947! In fact, his grandmother was born there. Today, 88% of the people in Nagaland call on the Name of Christ, and it is one of only three Christian-majority states in India. Every day for over the last one hundred years, the people group of Nagaland have been praying for the descendants of Joseph Tanquist (Pete’s great-grandfather) to reconcile India to Christ!
In Arusha, Tanzania back in 2004, Dr. Pete had an encounter with God on his first international mission trip. Jesus visited him and told him, “I have called you to see 100 million souls come to Me through live events that you will conduct and a billion souls through the media.” Less than a year later on a trip to India, Dr. Pete was called into a meeting with Bishop Ernest, who was the Chairman of Pentecostal World Fellowship and the go-to man when an evangelist like Franklin Graham, Reinhardt Bonnke or T.L Osborne needed boots on the ground when embarking on a crusade. During that visit, Bishop Ernest told him that the Lord had also spoken to him saying, “This is the man to talk to India about Jesus Christ. He is the vessel for India.” For the past 17 years, Dr. Pete has been just that – a vessel for India, and many other countries as well. Recently, Dr. Pete asked the Lord, “Why are you opening the floodgates in Pakistan when India is so strongly embedded in my heritage?” God spoke to his spirit and revealed that India and Pakistan were once a nation…and only through the blood of Jesus Christ will they be reconciled once again. You can read the full story in The Joseph Blessing: change the world with your God-given dream.